Saturday, December 8, 2018


Write about some changes that could make to your study programme (career).

Among others, think about:

  • The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
  •  Workload and length of studies
  •  Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
  •  Use of technology
  •  Teaching methods

Word Count: 250

Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts.

 Resultado de imagen para universidades imagenes

When I was a university student, I never questioned the study program of my career, but now, after years of experience, I have thought about all the things that could have been better.

To begin with, I think that there should be more practice in a work setting, where you taste the real day-to-day work, in order to learn to solve problems that you face in a regular work day, to learn to develop relationship with your colleagues and your potential customers or clients, to know how to relate to a boss and or other superior individual within the organization. All of the above would have helped me to understand how important the organizational climate of an institution and / or organization is.  Also, it would have helped me to organize my daily schedule in order to accomplish my tasks and or assignments.

On the other hand, I would probably change some subjects within the curriculum or program that today have become irrelevant to my work. In other words, I would shorten the number of courses and of course the number of years to complete my degree. I would like to spend much of this time in the field learning from the real world.  I will add that the methodology then should have been focus on a mixed between theory and practice.

In regards to the facility, in the university where I studied we had everything, from good and comfortable classrooms with high technology, the library was cozy where it was a pleasure to spend time studying, the casino had a variety of choices for lunch and coffee or tea as well as pastries and sandwiches. I do not have any complains about it.

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